2024 Fall Undergraduate Research Meeting

The Fall Meeting of the Virginia Academy of Science showcases (and provides monetary awards for) undergraduate research projects across all science disciplines, and has been held annually since 2001. Students present prospective research projects in a poster presentation format to a panel of judges to compete for grants (approximately $900 in recent years). This conference is open to all scientific disciplines, and recent submissions include projects that explore topics in biomedical science, molecular biology, inorganic and organic chemistry, ecology, psychology, neuroscience, and physics. These grants are designed to facilitate the execution of student projects and provide recipients with the opportunity to present their results at our Spring meeting. 


November 9, 2024 at Ferrum College

Tim Durham, faculty, Ferrum College

“The VAS Fall Undergraduate meeting is an ideal platform for student researchers. It’s a low stress, supportive, and rigorous environment, with ample opportunities for friendly, non-judgmental feedback and recognition. Most importantly, it builds and cements confidence – a stepping stone for regional and national meetings.” – Tim Durham

To reserve an on-campus room, go to: https://ferrumcollege.wufoo.com/forms/m1779fdm1g150jk