Virginia Academy of Science
Scientist of the Year Awards Program 2025
The Academy is seeking nominations for this year.
Award Categories:
Wildlife and Biodiversity Award
The awardee shall be a person who in the last five years has worked in Virginia and the science community accomplishing outstanding research or wildlife management that has benefited the wildlife and biodiversity within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Environmental Science Award
The awardee shall be a person who in the last five years has worked in Virginia and the science community accomplishing outstanding research or environmental science practice that has benefited the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Life Science Award
The awardee shall be a person who in the last five years has worked in Virginia and the science community accomplishing outstanding research in life sciences that has benefited the Commonwealth of Virginia. Life sciences include biology, botany, and zoology.
Physical Science Award
The awardee shall be a person who in the last five years has worked in Virginia and the science community accomplishing outstanding research in physical sciences, such as chemistry, physics, and geology, that has benefited the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Contact Dr. Richard Groover ( to receive a copy of the short nomination form if you wish to nominate someone. Nominations are due March 15, 2025.
Save the date! May 22, 2025
2025 VAS Annual Spring Meeting
Location: University of Virginia
Pictured above is Dr. Craig Group of UVa, host of the 2025 annual meeting.
Why go to a VAS meeting? Craig says “It’s a great experience for young scientists to present their research and meet other scientists and peers. It’s local so it is a great value and and it only takes one day of your time. We often hear scientists say ‘My group attends the national meetings’. That is great, but what about the students that you can’t afford to send? VAS is a supportive environment for first-time presenters, and it is fun to meet other scientists from the great state of Virginia! Give the VAS meeting a try!”
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Celebrate 100 Years of Science with the Virginia Academy of Science!
Institutional and Business Memberships are available to colleges/universities, businesses, and industrial organizations.
In 1925, Academy leaders provided testimony in The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes, in which high school teacher John Scopes was tried for teaching evolution, a violation of state law at the time.
Both VAS and VJAS award grants, scholarships and other awards on a yearly basis.
The Academy was part of the leadership team for the development and publication of the Flora of Virginia in 2012; it is the first flora for the Commonwealth published since 1762 (250 years earlier).
The Virginia Academy of Science is incorporated in Virginia as a charitable, scientific, and educational organization, is an IRS 501 (c) 3 qualified organization, and is registered with the Virginia Department of Consumer Affairs.
Donation Challenge
Richard Groover challenges all VAS members to donate $50 or more to the Academy and our Council will mail you one of these nifty lapel pens. Go to: