The Nominations and Elections Committee shall:
- Mail to the membership on or about January 1 each year a request for nominations of persons to fill the offices of President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
- Nominate a slate of one person for each of the aforenamed offices. The nominee for president-elect must have served previously as an officer (Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer) on the Executive Committee.
- Review with the Executive Committee the slate of officers prior to presenting a report report to Council for informational purposes.
- Mail slate of nominees to members advising that names may be added to the slate by 25 members petitioning the committee on behalf of each name to be added.
- If necessary, prepare ballots with additional nominees and mail to membership with registration and other information relative to annual meeting indicating deadline and address for return of ballot to committee.
- Count ballots and announce results at the Academy Conference. Should a tie vote result for any office, the Academy Conference shall vote on the nominees. In all cases, the nominee receiving the largest number of favorable votes shall be elected; provided, however, that only members in good standing may cast ballots.