Virginia Academy of Science members are invited to submit nominations for Fellows to be named at the yearly Annual Meeting. A potential Fellow must be an active member of the Academy and have contributed to science in one or more of the following ways: (a) outstanding scientific research, (b) inspired teaching of science, or (c) significant leadership in the Academy.
Nomination letters, with adequate supporting information, must be received by the Executive Officer no later than October 1. Nominations will be forwarded to the Awards Committee for consideration and possible recommendation to Council. Upon recommendation to Council, election to Fellow status will be by majority vote of the Academy Council.
In order to be considered by the Awards Committee, each nomination letter must be signed by at least three Academy members making and/or supporting the nomination. Alternatively, each person supporting the nomination may submit an individual nomination letter. The nomination letter should include detailed biographical information and adequate support information (including a current CV or resume) to be used by the members of the Awards Committee and the Academy Council in evaluation the credentials of the nominee for Fellow status. The supporting information should be in a form appropriate for subsequent publication in the Virginia Journal of Science and/or Virginia Scientists.
Nomination letters with supporting materials for nominees should be sent to:
Executive Officer
Virginia Academy of Science
Science Museum of Virginia
2500 W. Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23220.
The Executive Officer will verify receipt of nomination and membership status and forward the nominations to the Chair of the Awards Committee.